Final Project Guidelines

  • Your presentation should be 10 minutes, with some time afterward for questions.
  • The research for your presentation should be done over several weeks, not over one weekend.
  • You should consult more than one reference.
  • Can be on (almost) any topic about math or applications of math. It doesn't need to be on something directly related to Calculus II. You can also research about the history, philosophy, or sociology of science if you want.
  • Start thinking about a topic soon. ILL your books early. I've also got lots of math and physics books on my shelves that you might wish to peruse. The library also has a good collection of books and electronic journals.
  • In your presentation, just focus on one or two interesting ideas. You don't have to give a complete, comprehensive lecture.
  • During the middle of the term we'll talk some about how to give a good scientific presentation.
  • At the end of the term, you should hand in an annotated bibliography.
  • You can do an alternative project if you want, but you must let me know soon if you plan on doing so.
  • You will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
    1. How well you understand your topic. You should strive for a balance of breadth and depth.
    2. How well you present your material.