Lab 7: Motion Diagrams and Stove Testing

Fall 2005

Motion Diagrams:

  1. A bug crawls at a constant velocity of 2cm/s.
    1. Make a motion diagram for the bug.
    2. Make a careful plot of the bug's position, velocity, and acceleration vs. time. Use a different set of axes for each plot.

  2. Ticker timer:
    1. Make a motion diagram for something falling using the ticker timer.
    2. Draw the velocity and acceleration arrows. Do this for around 5 dots.
    3. Then make a plot of the position, velocity, and acceleration vs. time. Use a different set of axes for each plot.
Testing the Stoves As part of this lab we'll also compare the efficiency of the different stoves we made last week.

[Dave] [Physics I] [COA]

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